This is a list of lists with specifications to plot different cartographical maps of the Roman Empire and the Mediterranean with transport network including settlements, roads, and shipping routes.



A list of lists object with the shape data in different slots for 4 cartographical maps of the Roman Empire with names rcoast for a plain map, rpcoast for a map with provinces, rpsi for a map with senatorial and imperial provinces, and rptetra for a tetrarchy map. These options for cartographical maps in the Mediterranean are for both the classical and the late antiquity periods.

Three components in retn dataset have coordinates for settlements nds, roads rds, and shipping routes srs for these maps. In addition, the dataset has a cartographical map of the Mediterranean in med where settlements and transport network is yet to complete.


DARMC, Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University

Rodrigue, Comtois, Slack. The geography of transport systems. Routledge (2013)'Italia_Augustea.svg

See also